Making positive changes in our community
Redwood Falls Rotary Club is a community organization dedicated to making positive changes in our community. Our members consist of committed men and women who are passionate about community service and are very active within the community. Rotary Clubs have always had a significant impact on their communities and continue to do so, as more than 1.2 million people around the world, currently uphold the work of rotaries.
We are always looking for new ways to enhance the community by significantly impacting the quality of life of the people who live here. We welcome your support through participation, donations, or becoming a member to help in the critical needs of the community.

Our Fundraisers
We meet twice monthly and regularly do fundraisers like the Fly-in Pancake Breakfast, Cookie Auction, Wine Tasting, and Jail n’ Bail to assist with funding needs. Come out and support this endeavor as a way to support your community. We recently celebrated 75 years of service and with your help, we are looking forward to many more.

Get Involved &
Become a Member
Are you passionate about contributing to the good in our society and being part of an active group of professionals in the community?